Published May 15, 2024

3 strategies for digital transformation success

3 key takeaways
  • IT leaders are facing pressure to deliver on digital transformation and boost ROI.
  • An iPaaS can help drive innovation and reduce integration backlogs.
  • Drive automation by empowering your workforce and connecting your systems.

Job descriptions for IT leaders are starting to resemble a laundry list of Herculean tasks. From adopting the latest tech trends to finding and keeping skilled developers, expectations are high. On top of that, you need to do it all while driving digital transformation, cutting costs, and boosting ROI of current systems. 

Battling time, costs, and resource restraints, can be discouraging. But you can solve all these challenges with a single solution. By integrating your systems and automating your business processes with an iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), you can quickly adopt new technologies, shift your IT resources from tedious integration tasks to strategic projects, and drive operational efficiency. Automation can also reduce business process costs by as much as 30%.

Explore three key strategies you can implement with iPaaS to achieve your goals and tackle those lingering to-do list items.

Leverage your digitally mature workforce

As more digital natives enter the workforce and older employees adapt to stay relevant, there is an increasing number of tech savvy employees, or business technologists, on your teams. These employees are likely already configuring their own analytics and automations in their daily work–making them ideal partners for digital transformation efforts. 

Business technologists are looking for tools that enable DIY ingenuity, experimentation, and innovation. An advanced iPaaS empowers them with an intuitive interface for creating, managing, and monitoring their own integrations, while providing the necessary controls to maintain security and compliance. This allows business teams to tackle simple integration tasks–reducing your integration backlog and freeing up resources for more strategic projects.

Connect your systems

It’s becoming more and more common for business teams to adopt new technologies without involving IT. This can cause silos, resulting in manual tasks, data integrity issues, and a lack of visibility across teams. Not only does this impact the efficiency of your operations, but it also prevents you from making effective business decisions.

By integrating your entire tech stack end-to-end, you can eliminate the need for time-consuming manual tasks and automate your business processes. You can also sync all your data into a single location for a holistic view and actionable insights. 

Implement a federated IT model

Traditional, centralized IT models ensure compliance, but create bottlenecks that slow automation. On the other hand, decentralized models increase agility, but come with greater security risks. 

A federated IT model gives you the best of both worlds. This model transitions IT away from delivering process automations and integrations to acting as a strategic partner that empowers business teams to implement and manage their own integrations.

IT becomes responsible for defining governance and security policies, managing controls, and providing guidance and support. This allows for greater collaboration, democratization of integration tasks, and innovation, while also ensuring IT oversight. 

Accelerate digital transformation with iPaaS

Building an effective automation strategy focused on agility and scalability will allow you to do more with less and drive digital transformation at your organization. You can take back control of your work from addressing demands to propelling your business forward. 

By implementing an iPaaS, you can leverage the business technologists on your teams to reduce your IT backlog, connect disparate systems for better data and simpler automation, and implement a federated model for both increased security and agility. This will help you not only achieve but exceed the goals you have set out for this year.

To dive deeper into how to implement each of these strategies at your organization, reach out to our integration experts today