Published Aug 21, 2024

Announcing Celigo’s August release: Unified Resources Center and enhanced integration lifecycle management capabilities

Dave Wallen

Director, Platform Product Marketing

Dave Wallen
3 key takeaways
  • Finding help is now easier with a unified Help and Resource Center.
  • You can now selectively merge integration changes and exclude specific fields with ILM.
  • Explore new prebuilt HTTP connectors like Adobe Experience Cloud and WhatsApp.

We are thrilled to present the latest updates in our August release, bringing together powerful features designed to enhance user experience and improve workflow efficiency. Here’s a detailed look at what’s new:

Unified Help and Resource Center

Finding help and support has never been easier with our new unified Help and Resource Center. Now, all help resources, including Celigo University, knowledge bases, and support contacts, are centralized in the Resource Center in the bottom right corner of the UI. This change removes the duplicate Help icon from the top navigation, providing easy access to all the support you need in one convenient location.

Select fields to exclude before merging integration changes

When leveraging integration lifecycle management (ILM), you can now merge changes selectively by ignoring specific fields during integration pulls. This allows you to promote changes from sandbox to production without including environment-specific configurations like file locations. By choosing which fields to exclude, you can avoid conflicts and ensure only the necessary changes are synchronized.

Celigo AI: SQL and SOQL queries for Salesforce connector

With Celigo AI enabled, simply type your query in natural language, and it will be converted into SQL or SOQL automatically for the Salesforce connector, simplifying the configuration process for users of all skill levels. This update saves time and makes the process of writing and understanding queries more straightforward. Additionally, Celigo AI provides plain English descriptions of existing SQL or SOQL queries, making data management and analysis much easier.

Enhanced typing experience for Windows users

Windows users can now enjoy a smoother typing experience across the platform, including text fields like flow step names, descriptions, and the handlebars editor. Backend performance improvements have eliminated lag and freezing, allowing for a more fluid and responsive typing experience.

Salesforce API upgraded to Version 61

The Salesforce API has been upgraded from version 54 to version 61, enabling you to utilize the latest Salesforce enhancements in automation, integration, and performance. This upgrade introduces advanced features, such as enhanced Lightning Web Components, improved data security, higher API call limits, and new automation capabilities. With API v61, you can access new SObjects and fields, ensuring full compatibility with the latest Salesforce features.

Bulk load files for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

Experience faster and more efficient data ingestion with the new bulk load feature for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse (NSAW). This feature consolidates records into a single file, reducing the strain on your database, cutting down on compute time and costs, and ensuring quicker, more reliable data transfers.

New prebuilt HTTP connectors

We are excited to introduce new prebuilt HTTP connectors to expand our integration capabilities:

  • 3PL: OnFleet
  • Collaboration: Egnyte, Gatekeeper, Podio
  • HR: Employment Hero, UKG Ready
  • Marketing and Sales: Adobe Experience Cloud, Formstack, Typeform
  • Professional Services: ServiceTitan
  • Finance and Accounting:, Datarails, Vertex, WhatsApp

These new connectors enable more versatile and robust workflows, allowing you to integrate a broader range of applications and services seamlessly.

We believe these updates will significantly enhance your experience with Celigo, providing advanced tools and features to optimize your user experience. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. For more details on these and all the other exciting updates, consult the release notes.