Published May 24, 2024

Optimizing onboarding with HR automation

3 key takeaways
  • The onboarding process is full of tedious manual tasks.
  • Integrate recruitment tools with your HRIS system to automate processes.
  • With onboarding automation, you can boost job satisfaction and retain top talent.

When you find the perfect candidate for a key position on your team, naturally you can’t wait for them to start and contribute immediately to the business. But, this isn’t always the case for your HR and IT teams. The slew of tedious manual tasks needed to onboard a new candidate can leave them frustrated.

Onboarding plays a critical role in employee success and retention. In fact, positive onboarding results in 18 times more dedicated employees. Nailing this transition is vital to business success–especially in the competitive tech labor environment. Unfortunately, processes rife with headache inducing manual tasks, such as provisioning, hinder speedy onboarding. This not only pulls your teams away from strategic initiatives, but also leaves new hires confused and unhappy. 

You need onboarding automation to free up your teams to focus on what matters most, boosting employee satisfaction and retaining top talent. Let’s explore how to automate your onboarding processes and best practices for success.

4 steps for successful onboarding automation

The root of onboarding process issues lies with the bumpy transition from recruiting to hiring. This transition often requires transferring data between your applicant tracking software (ATS), eSignature platform, and human resource management system (HRIS). 

To automate this workflow and build the best experience possible for new employees, you’ll need to integrate these systems to sync data between them. 

We recommend following these steps for successful onboarding automation:

1. Create an offer letter template

Before you start implementing onboarding automation, make sure you have an offer letter template prepared in your eSignature system, such as DocuSign. Once you integrate your eSignature system and your ATS, you can use this template to automatically generate an offer letter. 

2. Integrate your ATS and eSignature systems

Next, create an integration flow that transfers applicant information from your ATS such as Greenhouse or Jobvite to your eSignature application. This will allow you to automatically sync candidate information as soon as the applicant’s status is changed to “hired,” and update your ATS system to “accepted” once the candidate signs their offer letter. 

3. Connect your HRIS system

Once you’ve connected your ATS and eSignature system, you’ll want to integrate them with your HRIS like ADP or BambooHR. By doing so, you can automatically create a new record for the employee in your HRIS when they are marked as “accepted.” Additionally, once the offer letter is signed you can sync it as an attachment to the HRIS for secure archiving. 

Since your HRIS will most likely serve as your system of record for employee information from here on out, sync personal information like name, address, and phone number from your ATS. This prevents typos and inaccurate employee information.

4. Automate all your HR processes

By creating additional integration flows, you can use the newly created record in the HRIS to automatically enroll the employee in systems like payroll, training, benefits, and so on. 

You can also create flows to automate provisioning. This reduces the neverending tickets and backlogs IT teams are forced to deal with.

Explore all of the ways you can leverage integration to automate your HR processes with our HR process automation page.

iPaaS: Your new HR partner

Now that you’ve explored the capabilities of integrating your HR tech stack and onboarding automation, you need to determine how you will build your integrations. Advanced iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) solutions provide a single AI-enabled platform that empowers both business users and developers to integrate applications and automate business processes.

Our intuitive interface and prebuilt connectors make it easy for non-technical users to build, manage, and monitor integrations and drive onboarding automation–reducing IT backlogs. Plus, with robust IT capabilities, your technical teams can use the platform to ensure proper governance and build complex integrations. 

Here are a few examples of prebuilt connectors you can leverage for even simpler onboarding automation. 

  1. DocuSign – ADP: sync and archive offer letters as attachments
  2. Greenhouse – DocuSign: sync applicant information to automatically create an offer letter
  3. Greenhouse – ADP: sync applicant information to set up a new employee profile
  4. Greenhouse – BambooHR: sync applicant information to set up a new employee profile
  5. Greenhouse – Namely: sync applicant information to set up a new employee profile
  6. Jobvite – Namely: sync applicant information to set up a new employee profile

Leveraging onboarding automation to take the manual drudgery out of your processes is not only easier for your IT and HR teams, but it also helps ensure smooth transitions–leading to more engaged employees. The time onboarding automation saves your teams can be redirected to efforts like driving digital transformation, building meaningful relationships, and boosting employee satisfaction. 

Ready to get started? Discover all of the processes you can automate with iPaaS in our eBook, “The art of efficiency: Building a resilient SaaS business with iPaaS,” or reach out to our automation experts today to build your custom roadmap.