Published Jul 3, 2024

Crush conversion rates: Enhance your lead funnel with automation

3 key takeaways
  • Today, prospects must be followed up with quickly, across various channels.
  • Streamline this process by connecting your marketing and sales systems.
  • With integrated systems, you can automatically sync, enrich, and engage with leads.

Modern attention spans are a mere 8 seconds. To catch–and hold–the attention of your prospects, your outreach must be relevant and timely. 

This difficult task becomes impossible when your processes work against you. Manual tasks and disconnected systems hinder your team’s ability to reach prospects quickly.  These inefficiencies result in leads trapped in marketing systems, stale and inaccurate data, and missed follow-up. Due to these challenges, 77% of leads are not responded to by sales at all

The first step to better outreach is integrating your marketing and sales systems. By doing so, you can automatically sync data between your key applications and get accurate, up-to-date lead data in the hands of your sales teams. 

Start your journey to better lead management by exploring how automation can help you tackle these three sales trends. 

1. Fast follow-up 

According to InsideSales, conversion rates are eight times higher when sales teams follow up with leads within five minutes. This highlights the importance of quickly handing off leads from marketing to sales.

By connecting your systems, you can instantly route your hottest leads to your sales team. Integrate your customer relationship management (CRM) system with your intent data platform and sales engagement solution to automatically send emails to reps when a new lead is added, mark high intent in your alert messages, and route low priority leads to nurture campaigns. 

If you can do this successfully, you’ll be within the first 1% of follow-up attempts

2. Diverse channels 

The sales process has evolved, and today, it takes over 12 touches to reach an individual prospect. These touches should come from a variety of different channels such as phone calls, emails, and social media messages. To reach your prospects across these channels, you first need to have enriched lead data. 

Connect your marketing automation platform (MAP), CRM, and lead enrichment tools to automatically update lead profiles with enrichment data. By doing so, you can ensure your sales teams have the information they need to follow up with a relevant message as quickly as possible. 

3. Numerous non-sales tasks

Sales teams only spend around 28% of their week actually selling. This is because their time is eaten up by tedious manual tasks like research and manually entering customer information. 

With a connected tech stack, you can automate these tasks. Integrate your MAP, CRM, outbound apps, and databases to automatically sync lead data across your systems. Now, your reps don’t have to waste their time hunting down prospect information. 

Close more deals with Celigo’s iPaaS

Integrating your marketing and sales systems can be challenging, especially as the number of tools needed to do business continues to grow. Streamline this process by managing all of your integrations on a single, AI-powered platform. With Celigo’s iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), you can build a scalable and agile lead funnel that’s ready to adapt to any new trend in the market.

Celigo’s advanced iPaaS can help you integrate your entire tech stack and automate your lead lifecycle management process end-to-end. And, since it’s designed with a  low-code user interface, your sales and marketing teams can build their own integrations. This allows your teams to build automations for the tasks they know best–while ensuring proper security, governance, and IT oversight.

By automating your manual processes, you can rise above the competition and close more deals. Dive deeper into how you can solve your lead lifecycle management challenges with our infographic, “Streamline lead lifecycles and convert more prospects with the power of integrations.”