Published Sep 19, 2024

From growth to profitability: Overcoming SaaS inefficiencies with iPaaS

3 key takeaways
  • To boost profitability, you first need to eliminate inefficiencies.
  • Common inefficiencies include: manual processes, disparate systems, and data silos.
  • Solve these challenges by automating your processes end-to-end with iPaaS.

There’s a new focus in the SaaS market. Gone are the days of growth at all costs. Now, profitability is key, as investors look for businesses with the ability to demonstrate sustainable growth. 

The path to profitability isn’t easy, and it can become impossible if your operations are holding you back. To achieve your goals, you need streamlined processes and complete access to your data. The biggest blocker to achieving this is data that remains siloed across disparate systems.

As your tech stack expands, so does inefficiency. Rather than getting rid of the key systems that solve vital business problems for your teams, connect them to eliminate tedious manual data entry tasks and facilitate automation. 

Explore ways you can increase the efficiency of your business with integration and automation. 

Common SaaS inefficiencies

If profitability is your goal, you must get as much value as possible out of both your technology and your teams. To do so, you’ll need to eliminate as many inefficiencies as possible.

So, where do you start? Evaluate your business processes and determine if you’re facing any of these common inefficiencies:

  • Manual processes: Your team is wasting time on low-value work. These processes not only hinder your productivity, but also lead to errors.
  • Data stuck in disparate systems: Disparate systems create data silos that can’t be accessed by your entire team. Without holistic data, you can’t make good business decisions and the right investments.
  • An overreliance on IT: Relying solely on your IT team for integration tasks causes bottlenecks that result in delays and project backlogs.
  • Disjointed customer experiences: When your processes require manual steps, rather than data seamlessly flowing between systems, you run the risk of delays and poor customer experiences. 

4 key steps to automate your processes

To eliminate these inefficiencies, you must integrate your systems and automate your processes end-to-end. However, it’s not feasible to automate every process at the same time. Prioritize your integrations based on where you’re facing the biggest inefficiencies and build your automation roadmap from there.

Follow these four steps to get started:

  1. Map your current architecture: By mapping your applications to your processes, you can better understand where silos exist and what data needs to be synced between systems to eliminate manual tasks.
  2. Identify key processes to automate: Rank each of your integrations to ensure that you don’t go too big, too fast. Use this ranking to build your automation roadmap.
  3. Choose the right integration platform: Many integration solutions aren’t built for non-technical users. To prevent IT bottlenecks, select a solution that empowers both IT and business users to build, manage, and monitor integrations, such as an advanced iPaaS.
  4. Automate and scale: Once you’ve addressed your first automations, keep going. With the right integration solution, you can automate all your processes end-to-end at scale to truly transform your business. 

Boost profitability with iPaaS

With your automation roadmap built out, there’s nothing stopping you from automating your SaaS processes to boost efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability. 

With Celigo’s advanced iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), you can standardize your integrations on a single AI-powered platform. Celigo offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that empowers both your IT and business teams to build, manage, and monitor integrations. And with infinite scalability, Celigo’s platform will grow with you and help you automate your processes end-to-end.

Dive deeper into how to automate your SaaS processes to address your current challenges with our interactive ebook, “SaaS shifts: Navigating the latest trends with iPaaS.”