Published Jun 28, 2024

From weeks to 45 minutes: How QDOBA Mexican Eats accelerated automation

3 key takeaways
  • QDOBA struggled to implement integrations quickly due to the limitations of their iPaaS.
  • After switching to Celigo’s advanced iPaaS, the team accelerated automation.
  • Leverage an advanced iPaaS for improved ease of use, error management, and costs.

In today’s world, where deliveries arrive within a day, information travels at lightning speed, and delicious food is ready in an instant, speed is everything. 

So, why would you expect less from your integration solution? That’s the question QDOBA, a fast-casual Mexican restaurant with more than 700 locations, asked when they brought on a legacy iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) system to integrate their tech stack. QDOBA’s IT team couldn’t automate their critical processes fast enough, so they started looking for a better solution.

They found one with Celigo’s iPaaS. Celigo’s user-friendly, intuitive interface enabled the team to quickly implement integrations. 

Dive deeper into QDOBA’s integration journey and learn how they were able to accelerate automation with Celigo. 

Overcoming integration missteps 

When QDOBA branched off from their parent Jack in the Box, they decided to replace their legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. To manage this change, they adopted a traditional iPaaS.

Since traditional iPaaS solutions are designed to help developers accelerate business process automation, they can be complicated for non-technical teams to manage. Because of this, it would often take QDOBA’s team weeks to figure out where to begin on integration projects. On top of that, the team lacked the visibility they needed to resolve errors as they occurred. 

To solve these challenges, the team was left with only two options: hire expensive developer resources to manage the platform or look for a new platform. After two years of struggling, the choice was clear. 

Implementing a user-friendly platform

The team decided to replace their legacy iPaaS with Celigo. Celigo’s features, usability, and ability to handle errors within the user interface immediately helped the QDOBA team. They were able to replace their existing integrations, and today, they handle nearly one million transactions every month across dozens of applications.

With simplified error-handling, QDOBA’s IT team was able to hand off error management to their business teams. Celigo’s AI error management streamlines this process further by automatically resolving 95% of errors

Celigo not only gave QDOBA the functionality and usability they needed but also proved to be more cost-effective than their previous iPaaS. According to Gary Burgess, director of infrastructure and security at QDOBA, the team sees more value with Celigo at half the price. 

“Celigo is like Shopify: very powerful, but very intuitive. Everything is in one place. It looks nice, it is easy to use, and it keeps getting better.” 

– Gary Burgess, director of infrastructure and security at QDOBA

3 tips for success

After struggling for years with a legacy iPaaS solution, QDOBA was finally able to get the capabilities they needed with Celigo. 

As you look to integrate your systems and accelerate automation, consider these three takeaways from QDOBA’s success:

  1. Ease of use is critical. Integrations that used to take QDOBA weeks to complete now take them less than an hour thanks to Celigo’s user-friendly interface. The usability of your integration platform can make all the difference in your success. 
  2. Managing errors doesn’t have to be time-consuming. One of the most significant improvements QDOBA found with Celigo was the ability to handle errors at scale. By offloading this task to business teams, the IT team was freed up to work on strategic projects. 
  3. Price is a key factor. Implementing a traditional iPaaS solution at scale can be expensive. With Celigo, you get advanced features and usability at a better price. As Burgess pointed out, “Dollar for dollar, you get more with the Celigo platform.”

Continue exploring how QDOBA utilized Celigo to overcome their integration challenges in this case study.