Published Sep 10, 2024

Omnichannel vs. multichannel commerce: Why omnichannel reigns supreme

3 key takeaways
  • Multichannel offers multiple touchpoints but can cause disjointed customer experiences.
  • Omnichannel strategies provide a more holistic and cohesive ecosystem.
  • Embracing omnichannel commerce fosters customer loyalty and increases sales.

In today’s retail landscape, businesses face an imperative to meet consumer expectations across various platforms. As shopping behaviors evolve with the advent of technology and digital storefronts, the terms “multichannel” and “omnichannel” have emerged as pivotal strategies for retailers seeking to thrive. Though these concepts often get used interchangeably, they represent fundamentally different approaches that can significantly impact customer experience and business performance.

Multichannel vs. omnichannel commerce

Multichannel commerce

Multichannel commerce refers to a retail strategy where a business operates across multiple channels—such as brick-and-mortar stores, online marketplaces, social media platforms, and mobile apps—creating separate touchpoints for customers to engage with. 

While these channels may cater to different consumer preferences, they often operate independently of one another, leading to disconnected experiences. For instance, a customer may find a product listed at one price on a retailer’s website, while the same product is marked at a different price in the physical store. This lack of consistency can lead to confusion and frustration, undermining customer trust and providing an overall negative experience.

In a multichannel approach, companies focus on maximizing sales opportunities by establishing their presence on as many channels as possible. Yet, this approach overlooks the importance of integrations. As the number of sales channels grows, operational teams bear the brunt, leading to disruptions and service delays. The experience becomes fragmented, and customers find themselves navigating a convoluted landscape of interactions, ultimately detracting from their shopping journey.

Omnichannel commerce

On the other hand, omnichannel commerce transcends this limitation by creating a cohesive ecosystem that prioritizes the customer experience above all. In an omnichannel strategy, all channels are interconnected, allowing businesses to deliver a unified and consistent experience, regardless of where customers choose to engage. This means that whether a consumer is shopping online via a desktop, a smartphone app, social marketplace, or visiting a physical store, they will encounter similar branding, messaging, pricing, and service quality.

More significantly, omnichannel approaches leverage automation and integrated systems—such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer service platforms—to provide a 360-degree view of customer interactions. With real-time visibility across sales channels, organizations can sync inventory levels, streamline order processing, and maintain accurate customer data. Omnichannel commerce not only enhances convenience for consumers but also empowers retailers to manage their operations efficiently and provides them a holistic view of their business and customers so they can effectively plan for the future.

Highlighting the key differences

  1. Customer experience: While multichannel allows for multiple touchpoints, omnichannel creates a harmonious experience that engages customers holistically. In omnichannel strategies, touchpoints are designed to complement each other, guiding customers smoothly through their purchasing journeys, both pre- and post-checkout.
  2. Operational efficiency: In a multichannel model, challenges related to inventory management and order fulfillment arise due to disparate systems. Conversely, omnichannel commerce streamlines operations through automated processes like order management and inventory updates. It enables you to scale operations with minimal headcount expansion, independent of the channel. This reduces error risks significantly and speeds up response times.
  3. Holistic view of the business and customer: In omnichannel commerce, you have a holistic view of the customer across every single channel and touchpoint. With a multichannel model, your customer data is fragmented across channels and touchpoints, clouding your vision of the customer journey and reducing your opportunities for personalized interactions.

Why omnichannel is the superior strategy

As consumers have increasing expectations when it comes to shopping, it’s imperative for retailers to embrace omnichannel commerce. The advantages speak for themselves:

  • Enhanced customer loyalty: A consistent and integrated experience fosters trust, encouraging customers to return. Effective omnichannel strategies enable retailers to nurture relationships and convert first-time shoppers into loyal consumers.
  • Increased sales and conversion rates: Studies show that brands that implement omnichannel strategies see a higher average order value and improved conversion rates. Customers are more likely to complete purchases when they can transition effortlessly between channels.
  • Ability to adapt to market changes: With a cohesive view of customer behavior and preferences, businesses can pivot strategies quickly to respond to market demands. Whether it’s offering targeted promotions or adjusting inventory in real time, the agility afforded by omnichannel commerce enhances competitiveness.
  • Holistic data insights: By consolidating data across channels, retailers gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, enabling them to refine marketing efforts, tailor product offerings, and make informed business decisions.


In a digital-first world, the distinction between omnichannel and multichannel commerce is more critical than ever. Retailers must recognize that while having a presence on multiple platforms might seem advantageous, the true winning strategy lies in delivering a unified and enriching customer experience through omnichannel practices. Utilizing advanced integration platforms like iPaaS allows for centralized management of integrations and operations, providing a comprehensive view of your business. By doing so, you can swiftly expand, eliminate barriers, boost efficiency, and ultimately thrive in today’s competitive environment.

The bottom line is clear: embracing omnichannel commerce not only elevates the customer experience but positions businesses to thrive now and into the future.