Published May 31, 2024

Streamlining HR processes with offboarding automation

3 key takeaways
  • Offboarding processes are filled with manual tasks that pose security risks.
  • Automation allows you to ensure compliance and a smooth offboarding.
  • With teams freed up, you can prioritize executing these transitions with care.

Building and nurturing strong employee connections is at the heart of HR operations, and these relationships don’t end when employees decide to leave your organization. With 15% of employees boomeranging back to their previous organization at some point in their career, it’s important that you leave them with a positive impression.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case as manual offboarding tasks cause delays and inconsistencies, diverting attention from strategic initiatives like exit interviews. This not only impacts employee experience and bogs down your teams but also introduces security and compliance risks.

In fact, 89% of former employees still have access to private business apps–posing a risk to your business. Former employees could have access to private data and many breaches happen purely because of human error. With 20% of businesses experiencing data breaches connected to former employees, you need to make sure your organization is protected. 

Ensuring compliance, consistency, and streamlined offboarding hinges on automation. By connecting your HR tech stack, you can eliminate manual offboarding tasks and automatically deprovision applications. This allows you to refocus your teams on creating a smooth departure.

Let’s dive into how offboarding automation helps you to execute these transitions with precision, efficiency, and care. 

Conquer your offboarding challenges

HR tech stacks have exploded in recent years as more and more specialized systems emerge. This leads to disparate applications and data silos. Without integration, you’re stuck manually reentering employee data across systems. 

There’s a better way. By connecting your applications, you can ensure data consistency, boost efficiency, and make the offboarding process more scalable. 

Here are a few additional benefits you can see when you integrate your tech stack:

  • Improved employee experiences
  • Minimized burden on IT
  • Guaranteed compliance
  • Increased HR productivity
  • Limited access to sensitive information 

3 steps for success

It’s clear integrating your tech stack can have a big impact on your HR operations, but determining where to start can be challenging. Consider following these three steps to successfully integrate your HR tech stack:

1. Set up roles in your identity management/SSO system

Before you can automate the deprovisioning process, you will need to control which licenses should be provisioned to each employee. This will help you ensure you’re able to successfully deprovision all applications associated with the departing employee’s role when they leave the organization.

2. Connect your identity management/SSO system with your HRIS

Integrate your human resource information system (HRIS) with your identity management/SSO system to automatically sync employee profile data between the applications. When you mark an employee as departing in your HRIS, this integration will allow you to automatically trigger your identity management/SSO system to revoke the departing employee’s access and permissions.

You can use these same integrations to automate the provisioning process for new employees.

3. Update employee information across systems

Integrate other key systems with your HRIS to automatically update the departing employee’s information across platforms. For example, connect your HRIS to your payroll system to ensure payments cease upon the employee’s departure. 

Enhance HR workflows with iPaaS 

There are a variety of options available to assist you in integrating your tech stack and automating your processes, ranging from vendor-provided integrations to traditional iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service). However, not all solutions are prepared to meet your unique business needs. An advanced iPaaS provides a single AI-enabled platform that empowers both technical and non-technical users to integrate applications and automate business processes. 

With prebuilt connectors and a user-friendly interface, Celigo’s iPaaS enables HR employees to build, manage, and monitor their own integrations–eliminating integration backlogs and freeing up your IT teams. Plus, with embedded business logic and governance, your IT teams can ensure security and compliance. Revolutionize your offboarding process and ensure a lasting positive impression with Celigo.

Explore all the HR workflows you can automate with Celigo with our HR process automation page